Hello!!! Welcome!

Chat room

Hello. My name is Prodigal Sinn, or Sinn for short. I am creating this site as an easy way for myself to exercise some knowledge in Html and for a way for me and my friends to connect to eachother.

Feel free to use any resources on this site... If I find the resources to put on here. Please don't try to hack anything on here... For god's sake, it is a free site. just make you own.

My e-mail is Ronan@illumia-rpg.com is you wish to contact me. I check this e-mail at least once a week. Please put something regarding this site in you subject so I know you just aren't junk mail.

If you are not cold hearted and have some spare cash, I would gladly accept donations. Send me an e-mail and I will give you the mailing address.

Adventuring the Techno frontier